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Getting Started

To integrate the middleware, you'll first need to configure the environment variables and run the middleware. This section guides you through creating the necessary .env file, running the middleware, and configuring Stream to send webhook data to your middleware.

Step 1: Create the .env File

Each middleware requires specific environment variables for its configuration. Below is a general guide on creating the .env file for different middleware options. Make sure to modify the variables according to the middleware you're using.

Sample .env File for Synology REST Protocol Middleware


Refer to the respective middleware section for other middleware-specific configurations.

Step 2: Run the Middleware

After setting up the .env file, you can run the middleware. This will ensure the middleware is listening for webhook data from the Stream.

Common Run Command

For all middleware, use the following command to run the middleware Docker container:

docker run -it --env-file .env -p 8002:8002 platerecognizer/stream-gateway

This command will run the middleware on port 8002, exposing it to receive webhook data. The list.csv file is imported automatically during initialization from Parkpow, so there's no need to create a volume for it.

Note: If you prefer to mount the list.csv file manually, use ./list.csv for compatibility across Windows systems:

docker run -it --env-file .env -p 8002:8002 -v ./list.csv:/app/list.csv platerecognizer/stream-gateway

Step 3: Install Plate Recognizer Stream

Plate Recognizer Stream processes video streams and generates webhook data based on license plate recognition events.


Follow the installation instructions for your operating system:

Step 4: Configure Stream to Send Webhook Data

Once the middleware is up and running, configure Plate Recognizer Stream to send webhook data to the middleware.

Webhook Configuration

Edit the Stream configuration file (typically named config.ini) to include the following webhook settings:

caching = yes

url = http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:8002
image = vehicle, plate
request_timeout = 30

For more details on webhook configuration, refer to the Webhook Configuration Guide.

Middleware Integrations

This guide covers how to configure and run various middleware protocols for handling webhook data.

Available Middleware

Synology REST Protocol MiddlewareForwards webhook data to a REST service.
Crop Plate and Forward MiddlewareCrops an image and forwards data to a webhook.
Salient VMS MiddlewareForwards events to CompleteView/Salient VMS.
OpenEye MiddlewareForwards parsed JSON data to OpenEye monitoring API.
NX MiddlewareManages sessions and creates bookmarks in NX server.
SOAP Protocol MiddlewareForwards webhook data to a SOAP service.

Synology REST Protocol Middleware

Description: Forwards webhook data to a REST service.

Required Environment Variables

  • MIDDLEWARE_NAME=synology_rest
  • REST_SERVICE_URL: The URL of the REST service.

Crop Plate and Forward Middleware

Description: Crops an image from webhook data and forwards both the original and cropped images to another webhook endpoint.

Required Environment Variables

  • MIDDLEWARE_NAME=crop_plate
  • WEBHOOK_URL: The URL of the webhook endpoint where data is forwarded.

Salient VMS Middleware

Description: Forwards Stream webhook events to a CompleteView/Salient VMS as events.

Required Environment Variables

  • VMS_USERNAME: Username for Salient VMS.
  • VMS_PASSWORD: Password for Salient VMS.
  • VMS_API_URL: API endpoint for Salient VMS.
  • CAMERA_UID: UID of the camera used as the source of events.

OpenEye Middleware

Description: Forwards parsed JSON data to the OpenEye monitoring API.

Required Environment Variables

  • AKI_TOKEN: AKI token for authentication.
  • AKS_TOKEN: AKS token for authentication.

NX Middleware

Description: Manages a session with an NX server, retrieves tags from the Parkpow API, and creates bookmarks in the server using the REST API.

Required Environment Variables

  • SERVER_HOST: Host URL of the NX server.
  • LOGIN: Username for server login.
  • PASSWORD: Password for server login.
  • SSL: Boolean value for enabling SSL verification (True or False).
  • PARKPOW_TOKEN: Token for accessing the Parkpow API.
  • TAG: Tag used for filtering in the Parkpow API. (e.g. TAG=Block,Authorized)

SOAP Protocol Middleware

Description: Forwards webhook data to a SOAP service.

Required Environment Variables

  • SOAP_SERVICE_URL: The URL of the SOAP service.
  • SOAP_USER: Username for SOAP service authentication.
  • SOAP_SERVICE_KEY: Key for SOAP service authentication.

Additional Notes

If you wish to modify or extend the middleware functionalities, you can access the source code on GitHub:

GitHub Repository for Middleware

By following the steps above, you can successfully integrate Plate Recognizer Stream with your chosen middleware. This setup allows you to process and forward webhook data to various services, enhancing the capabilities of your license plate recognition system.

For further assistance, feel free to consult the official documentation or reach out to the support team.

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